Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University (TNTEU-Chennai) is a state university located in Karapakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, which specialises in teachers' education. As on allover Tamil Nadu colleges that are offering Bachelor of Education (B. Ed.) degree courses, are affiliated with the university. Some of these affiliated colleges are also offering Master of Education (M.Ed.) & Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) degree courses also.
The Government of Tamil Nadu enacted Act No.33 of 2008 to provide for the establishment and incorporation of Teachers Education University in the State of Tamil Nadu for promoting excellence in teachers education and as a division of Tamil Nadu Education council. Further the Act came into effect from 1 July 2008 by a Gazette Notification issued in G.O.M.S.256, Higher Education (K2) Department, dated 25.6.2008.

TNTEU Affiliated 2 Year Programmes

  1. Bachelor of Education Programme leading to Bachelore of Education (B.Ed) degree.
  2. Master of Education Programme leading to Master of Education (M.Ed) degree.

Visit the TNTEU Website, vide the following link -

S.NO Affiliated Courses Years Documents
1 B.Ed & M.Ed Continuation Affiliation 2021-2024 Clik Here
2 B.Ed First Affiliation 2006 Clik Here
3 M.Ed First Affiliation 2008 Clik Here